GraceLove Mum Care Centre

Trusted provider insurance for mother & baby
76,78 Jalan Tasek Mutiara 2, Bandar Tasek Mutiara, 14120 Simpang Ampat Penang.| Map| Make a call | Whatsapp |
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free insurance for mother & baby

Every booking includes free personal accident protection for mother and baby during postpartum period, covering medical reimbursement, traditional medical reimbursement (including a Chinese acupuncturist, chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist), permanent disablement, death and other issues due to accident.

About Gracelove Mum Care Centre

GraceLove provides a clean and comfortable environment for post delivery mothers and newborns. We are breastfeeding friendly centre, which offered professional lactation consultation and services to help mums in their various aspects and stages of breastfeeding journey.

29 days herbal soup is incorporate into mothers' confinement meals, which is customized to mums' body condition. Meal plan is well-balanced with macro and micronutrient which accelerate physiologies healing after delivery.

Experienced and dedicated baby sitters is available 24/7 in taking care of newborns. We would update parents regards baby general well being during the stay in our nursery. Summary of feeding schedule, diapers change is recorded and updated to mothers respectively. Transcutaneous bilirubin check is available in centre in easing parents worries with regards babies' jaundice index.

At Gracelove, we take our motto " We Care Your Needs" seriously. We gave mothers and newborns with personalized attentions and committed to provide exceptional services to our customer. Our team is ready for you and your bundle of joy and we are strive to exceed your expectations.

  • 30days Confinement Package RM7000 - RM8400
  • 7,14, 28days Confinement Meal Delivery Package RM800 - RM3000
  • Infant care services RM2500
  • Baby Day care Services RM1200 - RM2500
  • 14days Rehabilitation Recovery Package RM2800

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10Reviews for GraceLove Mum Care Centre

Out of 5.0

10Reviews for GraceLove Mum Care Centre

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Phan , sent on 24/12/2023

各位准爸爸妈妈们,在为了找月子中心烦恼的你,真心推荐这家【恩悦月子中心 GraceLove Mum Care Centre】,我们已经是来这里第二次了,第一胎我们选择这家,第二胎我们依然选择这家,我们都介绍亲戚朋友来这里,因为物有所值。👼👍 必须选择【恩悦月子中心】的10大理由👇 1)环境清洁👉每天打扫卫生,定期更换床单,定期消毒。🧽🪠✅️ 2)家人可以入住👉生产后的妈妈需要家人照顾陪伴,老公孩子可以入住。👨‍👩‍👧‍👧✅️ 3)专业的工作人员👉这里的保姆都有丰富的经验,有的过去都是医疗人员,包括负责人过去是国际护士,宝宝们每一天的衣食住行,吃喝拉撒,一举一动,都会记录。📝🩺✅️ 4)专业的宝宝健康仪器👉每天会为宝宝检查黄疸子素,确保宝宝们的健康,也有照黄仪器灯。💡✅️ 5)丰富的月子调理餐👉一日5餐无限饮用黑枣茶,这里会跟着每位不一样的妈妈们体质和个人口味来烹饪不一样的调理餐,最重要的就是药材汤,会针对每位妈妈生产后进行调理,在这里妈妈们可以吃饱喝足,食物多到数不胜数,主食,甜点,下午茶可看看FB主页。🍽🥣✅️ 6)宝宝隔离房👉万一宝宝生病了,会有专属的宝宝隔离房拥有超强的空气净化机,非常的细心确保每个宝宝的身体健康,负责人Ms tan也经常关心和检查妈妈们生产后伤口和心理健康状况。🥼💊✅️ 7)陪月30天期间保险👉就是说妈妈和宝宝们在30天里面,在月子中心里不小心出了意外,这里也会有保险公司赔偿。🚑✅️ 8)服务很好👉这里的每一位保姆工作人员和负责人ms tan一家都很热情和爱心,在这里可以感受到家的温馨,每间房间都有TV,每间房间每间厕所都有一个按铃,妈妈们在房间有什么要求按个铃,保姆都会立刻到来服务,在厕所万一发生什么意外随时有个按铃求救。🥰🆘️🔔✅️ 9)分享教学母婴知识技能和用品👉好让新妈妈们轻松的迎接幸福的喜悦进入人生的新阶段。❤️🧑‍🍼✅️ 10)安心调理身体👉最重要还是妈妈们在月子调理期间能够好好的休息,必须选择一家可以让自己安心和放心的月子中心,好好的享受一个月的女王生活。👸✅️ 在看着留言的您不需要多想了,立刻前来【恩悦月子中心】看看这里的环境和了解更多👍👍👍

各位准爸爸妈妈们,在为了找月子中心烦恼的你,真心推荐这家【恩悦月子中心 GraceLove Mum Care Centre】,我们已经是来这里第二次了,第一胎我们选择这家,第二胎我们依然选择这家,我们都介绍亲戚朋友来这里,因为物有所值。👼👍 必须选择【恩悦月子中心】的10大理由👇 1)环境清洁👉每天打扫卫生,定期更换床单,定期消毒。🧽🪠✅️ 2)家人可以入住👉生产后的妈妈需要家人照顾陪伴,老公孩子可以入住。👨‍👩‍👧‍👧✅️ 3)专业的工作人员👉这里的保姆都有丰富的经验,有的过去都是医疗人员,包括负责人过去是国际护士,宝宝们每一天的衣食住行,吃喝拉撒,一举一动,都会记录。📝🩺✅️ 4)专业的宝宝健康仪器👉每天会为宝宝检查黄疸子素,确保宝宝们的健康,也有照黄仪器灯。💡✅️ 5)丰富的月子调理餐👉一日5餐无限饮用黑枣茶,这里会跟着每位不一样的妈妈们体质和个人口味来烹饪不一样的调理餐,最重要的就是药材汤,会针对每位妈妈生产后进行调理,在这里妈妈们可以吃饱喝足,食物多到数不胜数,主食,甜点,下午茶可看看FB主页。🍽🥣✅️ 6)宝宝隔离房👉万一宝宝生病了,会有专属的宝宝隔离房拥有超强的空气净化机,非常的细心确保每个宝宝的身体健康,负责人Ms tan也经常关心和检查妈妈们生产后伤口和心理健康状况。🥼💊✅️ 7)陪月30天期间保险👉就是说妈妈和宝宝们在30天里面,在月子中心里不小心出了意外,这里也会有保险公司赔偿。🚑✅️ 8)服务很好👉这里的每一位保姆工作人员和负责人ms tan一家都很热情和爱心,在这里可以感受到家的温馨,每间房间都有TV,每间房间每间厕所都有一个按铃,妈妈们在房间有什么要求按个铃,保姆都会立刻到来服务,在厕所万一发生什么意外随时有个按铃求救。🥰🆘️🔔✅️ 9)分享教学母婴知识技能和用品👉好让新妈妈们轻松的迎接幸福的喜悦进入人生的新阶段。❤️🧑‍🍼✅️ 10)安心调理身体👉最重要还是妈妈们在月子调理期间能够好好的休息,必须选择一家可以让自己安心和放心的月子中心,好好的享受一个月的女王生活。👸✅️ 在看着留言的您不需要多想了,立刻前来【恩悦月子中心】看看这里的环境和了解更多👍👍👍

Great Confinement Month
Kit , sent on 03/10/2023

Chose this confinement first of all because it is the nearest confinement center from my house, to convenient for my family members esp. my elder son to visit me often while i am staying in confinement for a month. Throughout the stay, i am very happy can learn alots knowledge esp related to breastfeeding from Ms Tan, the kakaks etc. Big thanks to Ms Tan, who is a patient, helpful, knowledgeable. She always ready to help/give us advice whenever we need it. Overall, as to compared to my 1st experience in other confinement center, i do recommend this center as overall in term of stay, food, nanny them are very good and the price is very reasonable as well.

Chose this confinement first of all because it is the nearest confinement center from my house, to convenient for my family members esp. my elder son to visit me often while i am staying in confinement for a month. Throughout the stay, i am very happy can learn alots knowledge esp related to breastfeeding from Ms Tan, the kakaks etc. Big thanks to Ms Tan, who is a patient, helpful, knowledgeable. She always ready to help/give us advice whenever we need it. Overall, as to compared to my 1st experience in other confinement center, i do recommend this center as overall in term of stay, food, nanny them are very good and the price is very reasonable as well.

LA , sent on 23/08/2023
第一次入住月子中心,在这里不仅可以好好休息,也学习了很多哺乳知识。这里的工作人员有些有专业医疗背景(护士),在处理伤口等都能提供正确的处理方式。 月子中心负责人Ms. Tan 也时刻关心妈咪们的情况,给于合适及时的帮助和意见。 哺乳方面,遇到塞奶等问题,还有泌乳师帮忙通乳、Kak Aini帮忙热敷按摩,还会有工作人员指导纠正亲喂姿势。每次挤完奶,都有保姆帮忙洗挤奶器,妈咪可以解放双手完完全全不碰水。 保姆方面,保姆们都很亲切和有耐心,照顾宝宝都很用心而且有条理,会记录体重、温度、喝奶排便等时间,每天早上还会消毒宝宝床和换宝宝床套。 食物方面,每天都有热腾腾的药材汤。而我最期待就是每天的3点3茶点时间,甜点30天完全不repeat,好吃也让每天下午心情好好。 整洁方面,每天有kakak 打扫,每星期都会换床单。
第一次入住月子中心,在这里不仅可以好好休息,也学习了很多哺乳知识。这里的工作人员有些有专业医疗背景(护士),在处理伤口等都能提供正确的处理方式。 月子中心负责人Ms. Tan 也时刻关心妈咪们的情况,给于合适及时的帮助和意见。 哺乳方面,遇到塞奶等问题,还有泌乳师帮忙通乳、Kak Aini帮忙热敷按摩,还会有工作人员指导纠正亲喂姿势。每次挤完奶,都有保姆帮忙洗挤奶器,妈咪可以解放双手完完全全不碰水。 保姆方面,保姆们都很亲切和有耐心,照顾宝宝都很用心而且有条理,会记录体重、温度、喝奶排便等时间,每天早上还会消毒宝宝床和换宝宝床套。 食物方面,每天都有热腾腾的药材汤。而我最期待就是每天的3点3茶点时间,甜点30天完全不repeat,好吃也让每天下午心情好好。 整洁方面,每天有kakak 打扫,每星期都会换床单。
Great experience and friendly staff
Mei San , sent on 23/08/2023
Overall experience in GraceLove Mum Care Centre is great. Food and service is good. Ms Tan and her team is very professional on taking care baby. She also knowledgeable on breastfeeding so nothing about to worry. Highly recommended.
Overall experience in GraceLove Mum Care Centre is great. Food and service is good. Ms Tan and her team is very professional on taking care baby. She also knowledgeable on breastfeeding so nothing about to worry. Highly recommended.
LA , sent on 23/08/2023

第一次入住月子中心,在这里不仅可以好好休息,也学习了很多哺乳知识。这里的工作人员有些有专业医疗背景(护士),在处理伤口等都能提供正确的处理方式。 月子中心负责人Ms. Tan 也时刻关心妈咪们的情况,给于合适及时的帮助和意见。 哺乳方面,遇到塞奶等问题,还有泌乳师帮忙通乳、Kak Aini帮忙热敷按摩,还会有工作人员指导纠正亲喂姿势。每次挤完奶,都有保姆帮忙洗挤奶器,妈咪可以解放双手完完全全不碰水。 保姆方面,保姆们都很亲切和有耐心,照顾宝宝都很用心而且有条理,会记录体重、温度、喝奶排便等时间,每天早上还会消毒宝宝床和换宝宝床套。 食物方面,每天都有热腾腾的药材汤。而我最期待就是每天的3点3茶点时间,甜点30天完全不repeat,好吃也让每天下午心情好好。 整洁方面,每天有kakak 打扫,每星期都会换床单。

第一次入住月子中心,在这里不仅可以好好休息,也学习了很多哺乳知识。这里的工作人员有些有专业医疗背景(护士),在处理伤口等都能提供正确的处理方式。 月子中心负责人Ms. Tan 也时刻关心妈咪们的情况,给于合适及时的帮助和意见。 哺乳方面,遇到塞奶等问题,还有泌乳师帮忙通乳、Kak Aini帮忙热敷按摩,还会有工作人员指导纠正亲喂姿势。每次挤完奶,都有保姆帮忙洗挤奶器,妈咪可以解放双手完完全全不碰水。 保姆方面,保姆们都很亲切和有耐心,照顾宝宝都很用心而且有条理,会记录体重、温度、喝奶排便等时间,每天早上还会消毒宝宝床和换宝宝床套。 食物方面,每天都有热腾腾的药材汤。而我最期待就是每天的3点3茶点时间,甜点30天完全不repeat,好吃也让每天下午心情好好。 整洁方面,每天有kakak 打扫,每星期都会换床单。

Great experience and friendly staff
Mei San , sent on 22/08/2023

Overall experience in GraceLove Mum Care Centre is great. Food and service is good. Ms Tan and her team is very professional on taking care baby. She also knowledgeable on breastfeeding so nothing about to worry. I enjoyed my stay throughout my confinement period. Highly recommended.

Overall experience in GraceLove Mum Care Centre is great. Food and service is good. Ms Tan and her team is very professional on taking care baby. She also knowledgeable on breastfeeding so nothing about to worry. I enjoyed my stay throughout my confinement period. Highly recommended.

Highly recommended
TheanLing , sent on 21/08/2023
I had a wonderful experience at the confinement center. The environment was clean and comfortable, making my stay very pleasant. Ms. Tan's expertise as a lactation consultant was invaluable in helping me with breastfeeding. The staff and nannies were friendly and attentive, providing excellent care for my baby. Highly recommended!
I had a wonderful experience at the confinement center. The environment was clean and comfortable, making my stay very pleasant. Ms. Tan's expertise as a lactation consultant was invaluable in helping me with breastfeeding. The staff and nannies were friendly and attentive, providing excellent care for my baby. Highly recommended!
Well Taken Care
Tan Yunn Houng , sent on 23/02/2023

I am well take care throughout the whole 30days of my confinement period. Thats a night I am crying cause of pain and post natal down mood, sister Money support me by holding my hand for half an hour until my mood calm down. Thank you for Gracelove team for all the support mentally and physically, I appreciate the love that share among all the Center. Thank you all for the wonderful confinement journey.

I am well take care throughout the whole 30days of my confinement period. Thats a night I am crying cause of pain and post natal down mood, sister Money support me by holding my hand for half an hour until my mood calm down. Thank you for Gracelove team for all the support mentally and physically, I appreciate the love that share among all the Center. Thank you all for the wonderful confinement journey.

Really Recommend
Shi Wan , sent on 08/06/2022
✳️负责人Ms Tan十分亲切友善 专业且细心 时刻关心妈妈的需求和状况 让你安心休养😌
✳️保姆们都很细心照顾宝宝 经验丰富 尤其是Kak Aini 出月前还教会我如何照顾宝宝👶🍼
✳️每天不一样的月子餐 天天期待的下午茶🍰
✳️这里非常支持母乳 想要亲喂通知一声保姆就会把宝宝送过来 如何挤奶亲喂 任何问题负责人Ms Tan还有泌乳师都会耐心指导


✳️负责人Ms Tan十分亲切友善 专业且细心 时刻关心妈妈的需求和状况 让你安心休养😌
✳️保姆们都很细心照顾宝宝 经验丰富 尤其是Kak Aini 出月前还教会我如何照顾宝宝👶🍼
✳️每天不一样的月子餐 天天期待的下午茶🍰
✳️这里非常支持母乳 想要亲喂通知一声保姆就会把宝宝送过来 如何挤奶亲喂 任何问题负责人Ms Tan还有泌乳师都会耐心指导


Friendly and Experienced Staff
Christine Mah , sent on 16/02/2022

Overall very satisfied with my stay here, service & food is good. Thanks Mrs Tan for her experienced advice on breastfeeding and lead me to a sucess breastfed mum now!! I'm really appreciate her help and care time to time and also all the nanny/ kakak here. They are really friendly & experience in taking care baby, so nothing to worry about. After all, pretty much enjoy my "honeymoon" here with my little one.. ❤️

Overall very satisfied with my stay here, service & food is good. Thanks Mrs Tan for her experienced advice on breastfeeding and lead me to a sucess breastfed mum now!! I'm really appreciate her help and care time to time and also all the nanny/ kakak here. They are really friendly & experience in taking care baby, so nothing to worry about. After all, pretty much enjoy my "honeymoon" here with my little one.. ❤️


GraceLove Mum Care Centre Trusted provider free insurance for mother & baby

76,78 Jalan Tasek Mutiara 2, Bandar Tasek Mutiara, 14120 Simpang Ampat Penang.| Map| Whatsapp |

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